Posts by Michael Phelan
Repetitive Subconcussive Hits Can Lead to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
Football, a popular and beloved sport, carries inherent risks that extend beyond the immediate concern of traumatic brain injuries. While the focus on concussions and their long-term effects has gained significant attention in recent years, there is growing awareness of another potential danger: Repetitive Subconcussive Hits. These are repetitive blows to the head that do…
Read MoreIs Personal Injury Settlement Money Taxable in Virginia?
When you successfully pursue a personal injury claim and receive a settlement, it is only fair that you retain the full amount to help rebuild your life and cover the damages you have suffered. After all, the purpose of compensation is to alleviate the financial burdens resulting from someone else’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing. But…
Read MoreHow Long Does It Take to Negotiate a Settlement Agreement?
When seeking compensation for losses resulting from someone else’s negligence, many victims opt for a settlement instead of pursuing a trial. Settlements are often preferred due to their perceived advantages, including lower risk, quicker resolution, and cost-effectiveness. In a settlement, the responsible party agrees to pay an amount that addresses the damages suffered by the…
Read MoreWhat Is the Statute of Limitations for Personal Injury Claims in Virginia?
Imagine the streets of Richmond during rush hour. You are driving along, fully focused on the road ahead, when suddenly another vehicle runs a red light and crashes into your car. The impact is jarring, and within seconds, you feel a sharp pain radiating from your neck and shoulder. The shock and confusion set in…
Read MoreMicrosleeps in Truck Drivers Pose Significant Safety Risks
Drowsy truck driving presents significant dangers to other vehicles sharing the road. The operation of large commercial trucks requires utmost attention, focus, and alertness to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. However, when truck drivers are fatigued and experience drowsiness, the risk of accidents dramatically increases. Drowsiness can impair cognitive abilities, slow reaction…
Read More6 Steps to Follow After You Have Been in a Truck Accident
Truck accidents can be challenging and overwhelming. The chances are good that you or someone you love has sustained serious injuries, and you may not know what to do next. If you have been involved in a truck accident, there are several important steps you should take to protect your well-being and ensure the best…
Read MoreWhy Are Truck Rollovers So Dangerous?
Large trucks are generally more likely to roll over than passenger cars because they are more susceptible to external factors like wind, centrifugal forces, road hazards, and crashes with other vehicles. A truck rollover accident occurs when a truck flips over and lands on its roof or side. Many drivers and passengers die in truck…
Read MoreElectronic Logging Devices Can Be Fooled
Trucking industry insiders are charging that some ELD vendors are manipulating weaknesses in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s technical requirements to allow trucking companies and drivers to use “ghost co-drivers” to avoid hours-of-service (HOS) rules. Recently, a driver utilizing ELD Rider software recorded a ghost co-driver being added to his device 15-20 minutes after…
Read MoreWhat Is an Underride Accident?
An underride accident is a collision that happens when a smaller car hits a large truck and slides underneath the trailer. When a car slides underneath a truck, the top of the vehicle is typically sheared off, decapitating or crushing the passengers inside, making underride accidents some of the deadliest types of crashes, even at relatively…
Read MoreFatal Accidents with Impaired Truck Drivers Spiked in 2020
There is a crash risk associated with various drugs and substances, including alcohol, and their use continues to be prevalent among some drivers. The National Transportation Safety Board’s Safety Research Report released in December 2022 identified the following safety issues related to alcohol and drug use among drivers: Accepted countermeasures for driving while impaired by…
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