Another Person Killed by a Takata Airbag

Days after Honda Malaysia announced a recall of an additional 145,000 Hondas to replace defective front passenger airbag inflators, a Malaysian woman died after the airbag in her Honda ruptured in a minor collision. When police arrived at the scene, the driver airbag had ruptured and the driver was bleeding from her chest from a…

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A Concussion is a Traumatic Brain Injury

I am tired of hearing defense-oriented doctors act like concussions aren’t real injuries.  A concussion is a brain injury.  Some concussions resolve relatively quickly, some take up to two years to resolve, and, in a minority of cases, the effects are permanent.  This should not be a controversial premise.  It is the position of the…

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Takata Airbag Recall Largest in U.S. History

Mark Rosekind, administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), announced on Wednesday that NHTSA was requiring Takata to work with automakers to recall an additional 35-40 million Takata airbags.  This brings the Takata airbag recall number in the U.S. to nearly 65 million airbags, the largest in U.S. history. NHTSA’s announced reason for…

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“Wait – You mean to tell me that he has hurt other patients before?”   I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen a medical malpractice client’s face turn pale with shock and despair when I share with them that their doctor has been sued successfully in the past.  Typically, these clients have very…

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Pinnacle Hip MDL: 5 Things to Know

This is part two of a two part question and answer piece about the DePuy Pinnacle metal-on-metal hip implant system.  Part one focused on the recent $502 million verdict against Johnson & Johnson and its unit, DePuy Orthopaedics.  This part focuses on the multidistrict litigation (MDL) involving the Pinnacle Hip Implant litigation.  We first wrote…

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The Challenges of Proving Traumatic Brain Injury

One of the most challenging aspects to proving a case involving traumatic brain injury is rebutting the testimony of medical expert witnesses hired by the defense who claim that no such injury exists. The very defense experts who make their living testifying against plaintiffs in traumatic brain injury cases have also testified against brain-injured veterans…

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Takata Airbag Recalls and Deaths Mounting

Takata airbags have been recalled in approximately 25 million vehicles worldwide, and at least 12 deaths have been attributed publicly to the defective airbags.  I say “publicly” because there have been confidential settlements, which may have been kept from the […]

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