Tuckahoe Truck Accident Attorneys

Tuckahoe Truck Accident Lawyers

Tough representation for Virginia truck accident victims

Flatbeds, tractor-trailers, and other large trucks are constantly bringing goods into and out of Tuckahoe by Routes 6, 64, 150, and other roads. While trucks of all shapes and sizes help our economy thrive, truck drivers and trucking companies can be liable when their negligence causes harm. At Phelan Petty Injury Lawyers, we hold trucking businesses and drivers accountable. Our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers understand the unique challenges involved in these cases. We fight for the full compensation you deserve for your financial damages and personal suffering.

Our Case Results

$3.75 Million
Wrongful Death Settlement - Swimming pool drowning
$3.5 Million
Medical Malpractice Jury Verdict - Misread x-ray led to failure to diagnose bowel injury

How dangerous are truck accidents?

There were 119,000 total crashes involving large trucks and buses in 2021, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). In Virginia, according to the Virginia Highway Safety Office and the Virginia Department of Transportation, there were nearly 3,000 truck crashes in 2022. These crashes caused 60 fatalities and 844 injuries.

Truck accidents are more deadly and cause more catastrophic injuries than car accidents for several reasons:

  • Trucks are more difficult to control. That’s why drivers need a special license called a commercial driver’s license (CDL) to operate most trucks.
  • Trucks have blind spots that make it difficult to see on all four sides, which makes switching lanes and merging especially difficult.
  • Trucks have much more weight, size, and mass. This means that the force of the impact will be much greater when one vehicle is a truck, than when two cars collide.

What types of truck accident claims do you handle?

At Phelan Petty Injury Lawyers, we handle all types of truck accidents, including single-truck accidents, collisions with other trucks, crashes with cars, and accidents with bicycle riders and pedestrians. We represent injured drivers and passengers.

Some of the many types of Tuckahoe truck accidents we handle include:

  • Jackknife accidents. These accidents occur when a tractor and trailer travel in different directions and/or at different speeds. Jackknives may occur on slippery roads and when the tractor skids. The end result is that the tractor and trailer are located at acute angles to each other instead of in the same line.
  • Rollovers. Trucks have different centers of gravity than cars, making them more prone to rollovers. Rollovers also happen due to shifting cargo. Drivers who turn too quickly are especially prone to rollovers. Rollovers can endanger the driver and anyone near the truck.
  • Tire blowouts. Commercial trucks have more tires than cars. 18-wheelers, by definition, have 18 tires. If just one tire blows out, a truck driver can lose control of his/her vehicle, causing a serious or deadly accident.
  • Back-up accidents. Trucks often need to travel in reverse because there isn’t enough room to turn around. When a truck backs out into traffic, the driver needs to be especially careful not to strike any oncoming cars, bicycle riders, or pedestrians. Trucks often need to back out at loading and unloading docks and construction sites, which puts workers at risk, too.
  • Underride accidents. Truck companies need to install rear truck guards so that small cars that collide with the company truck don’t slide underneath, killing the occupants of the cars. Underride accidents are often fatal. In addition to rear guards, side and front guards are also advisable.
  • Wide-turn accidents. The longer a truck is, the more room it needs to make a turn. Truck drivers need to know where anyone on either side is before turning at an intersection and take appropriate precautions. Otherwise, a car or person to the side of the truck, especially the right side, can be easily crushed.
  • Blind spot accidents. Tractor-trailers and other large vehicles have blind spots that make it difficult to see behind the truck and to its sides. Even seeing in front of the truck can be difficult. Truck drivers need to be continually aware of the traffic around them before shifting lanes or turning.
  • Overpass accidents. Some trucks are very tall, especially if the cargo is visible atop the truck. Trucks need to be aware that some overpasses have limits on the height of trucks that can pass through an overpass – otherwise, that truck can crash into the overpass.

What are the causes of truck accidents in Tuckahoe?

Some of the leading causes of truck crashes in Virginia are:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Between 2020 and December 2022, “there were 186,948 test results reported to the [Drug and Alcohol] Clearinghouse with violations.” Most of them were for positive drug tests (153,868) but many were for BAC levels of .04 or above, the legal limit for drivers with a CDL (2,557 reports in total). These numbers show there is a significant risk of impairment for commercial drivers.
  • Driving while distracted. Truck drivers may cause accidents in Tuckahoe if their eyes are not on the road, their hands are not on the steering wheel, and their minds are off traffic. Common types of truck driver distraction include texting while driving, using a smartphone while driving, looking at a GPS or any electronic device, eating, drinking, reading, and personal grooming while driving.
  • Tired and drowsy driving. Truck drivers must comply with the FMCSA’s Hours of Service Rules. These rules regulate how many hours during a day and during a 60- or 70-hour work week that drivers can be on the road before they need to take an appropriate rest break. Drivers must keep logs to track how long they are driving. Tired drivers can’t respond to accidents promptly and are likely to cause accidents due to their lack of control of their trucks.
  • Speeding and other traffic violations. Many drivers and trucking companies push to make as many deliveries as possible in a day. One way to increase the number of deliveries is to drive faster. Driving faster is not smart. Truck drivers who speed are likely to cause serious accidents. Truck drivers need to comply with all the traffic laws of Virginia including yielding, driving in the correct lanes, passing and merging properly, obeying traffic signals, and other state traffic laws.
  • Unsafe cargo loads. Trucking companies and loading companies need to load trucks according to the type of cargo loaded and federal and state safety laws. Cargo that isn’t loaded properly can spill onto the highway, causing havoc for any drivers nearby. Improperly loaded cargo can also shift while a truck is in operation, causing a driver to lose control of his/her truck.

Our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers also review other reasons the crash may have occurred. Some of these reasons include:

  • Faulty truck maintenance. The brakes, tires, electrical features, and mechanical features should be checked before each trip.
  • Defective truck parts. Faulty truck partsand systems such as defective brakes, hydraulic systems, fuel lines, and tires.
  • Unsafe trucking operations. Truck drivers need a commercial driver’s license. They should be educated by their employer about truck safety and how to avoid truck accidents.
  • Unsafe road conditions. Truck drivers need to understand how to drive in bad weather, heavy traffic conditions, near construction sites, and on all types of road surfaces.

Our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers work to show what happened, who is responsible, and why your accident was preventable. Drivers and trucking companies that breach their duty of care to you are responsible for the injuries and deaths they cause.

How do your Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers fight for accident victims?

Unlike many lawyers who are looking to settle your claim quickly, we prepare each case for trial because we know that sometimes, that is the only way to hold negligent companies accountable. Insurance companies know that we are not afraid to try cases, and often, that leads to more productive negotiations from the start.

Our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers help clients by:

  • Hiring investigators to examine the accident site
  • Employing traffic reconstruction experts when necessary to show how your accident happened
  • Reviewing the police report and speaking with witnesses
  • Examining any black boxes and logs that provide information about the truck’s travels
  • Reviewing all relevant documents, including the insurance policies for the defendants
  • Questioning every defendant through written question and oral questions
  • Questioning every witness
  • Working with any federal or state agencies that investigated the truck accident
  • Working with your doctors to verify your injuries, the type of medical treatments you’ll need, the severity and limitations of your injuries, and the cost of your care
  • Reviewing your lost income with employers and financial experts
  • Examining defective truck parts with truck produce safety professionals
  • Many other strategies, depending on how the accident happened

We’re skilled trial lawyers. That means we know how to argue before judges, question and cross-examine witnesses, present evidence, and argue before juries. You can trust us to build a case on your behalf.

Who is liable for a truck accident in Tuckahoe?

Our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers file personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits against everyone responsible for your accident or the death of a loved one. The defendants may include:

  • The truck driver
  • The truck driver’s employer
  • The company that owns the truck
  • The companies involved in the shipment
  • Truck repair companies
  • Manufacturers of defective truck parts
  • The Virginia Department of Transportation or other governmental agencies/entities who failed to properly design or maintain the highway or road where your accident happened

How much is my truck accident claim worth in Virginia?

At Phelan Petty Injury Lawyers, we’re regularly asked, “How much is my truck accident claim worth?” The answer is, it depends on different factors; there is no set compensation award. Our team is skilled at reviewing every aspect of your claim. Each bill you receive and each day you’re in pain can potentially add up to a larger verdict or settlement.

We will seek compensation for:

  • Medical bills, including emergency transport, ER care, surgeries, hospitalizations, visits with your doctors, physical therapy, occupational therapy, other types of therapy, assistive devices, and medications
  • The income and benefits you’ve lost and will continue to lose
  • Your daily physical pain and emotional suffering
  • Your daily pain and suffering
  • Any scarring or disfigurement
  • The loss of bodily function and quality of life

Our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers work with your doctors to fully understand the severity of your injuries, the medical care you’ll need, the cost of that care, and all the ways your life is a struggle due to your injuries. We work with your employer to assess your financial losses. We also review the amount of insurance coverage that covers your claim. More defendants generally means more coverage to pay your claims.

In the event the truck accident is fatal, or your loved one succumbs to injuries resulting from that crash, we can seek additional damages such as:

  • The funeral and burial costs
  • The loss of financial support your loved one would have provided
  • The value of the services your loved one would have provided
  • The value of the guidance, support, and love your family member would have provided

How much time do I have to file a truck accident claim in Virginia?

Generally, you must file your truck accident claim within two years from the date of the accident. Some deadlines, such as claims involving the government, are much shorter.

We recommend that you contact us as soon as possible. We need to investigate how the accident happened while the memories of everyone involved are fresh. At Phelan Petty Injury Lawyers, our team wants to ensure that you’re receiving the medical help you need. We also want to give you some peace of mind by answering all the questions you have.

Contact our Tuckahoe truck accident lawyers now

Most truck accidents cause a lifetime of pain. The insurance companies and defense lawyers will try to deny your claim and minimize any damage. At Phelan Petty Injury Lawyers, our Tuckahoe truck accident attorneys have the skills and experience to anticipate and counter these defense tactics. We’ve helped numerous accident victims like you obtain strong and just recoveries – many for $1,000,000 and higher. To schedule a free consultation, call us or complete the contact form. We’re ready to help you today.