What Are the Lifetime Costs of a Spinal Cord Injury?

A spinal cord injury (SCI) is nearly always considered a catastrophic injury. It is life-altering physical trauma resulting in permanent disability and a lengthy recovery period. When a person experiences an SCI, it can affect many areas of the body, leaving them with a variety of issues, both medical and financial. After suffering an SCI,…

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Recent Bicycle Recalls and Product Liability

With the warmer weather emerging, people are getting out and on their bikes for fresh air and exercise. However, when bicycle components fail, serious injuries can occur. Bike components commonly malfunction due to design or manufacturing defects, which are typically referred to as “product liability.” Component failures on bicycles can include problems with wheels, forks,…

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Holding Drug Makers and Distributors Liable for Their Role in the Opioid Crisis

Numerous lawsuits are being brought throughout the country against the manufacturers and distributors of opioids. The drug makers are being accused of using aggressive and false marketing campaigns to promote the effectiveness of opioids for pain relief, while minimizing the dangers of opioid addiction and overdoses. Distributors are being accused of failing to monitor and…

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Liability for Deaths and Injuries Due to Defective Children’s Products

Parents have the right to expect that the products they buy for their children won’t be hazardous to their children’s health. Products for children should be specifically designed and manufactured with the size, weight, and developmental abilities of the child in mind. When defective products cause deaths, those who placed profit before safety should be…

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Why Medical Care Is Essential After a Truck Accident

After a truck accident, your personal safety should be your top priority. While may you feel fine immediately after a wreck, it is not uncommon for people to experience increasing pain and symptoms days later. Unfortunately, delaying treatment can negatively impact your personal injury claims. In this article, Phelan Petty’s truck wreck lawyers discuss the…

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Medical Malpractice in the Military: Can Service Members Sue?

At Phelan Petty, we have the utmost respect for our country’s service members. Unfortunately, when the unthinkable happens and they’re injured by another government employee, they cannot file a lawsuit and demand compensation. This includes active service members who fall victim to medical malpractice at a military hospital. A controversial rule called the Feres doctrine…

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